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Wander-No-More House Founded
By Priscilla Fiske
Exclusive to the Port Alexander Times

Today it was announced that Guardian and Port Alexander citizen The Wanderer purchased an apartment complex in the Resky Park district. The well known hero who has lectured on intergalactic peace and participated in community projects intends to open the complex to those in need. "The Wander-No-More House will be a haven, a solid foundation for women who are looking for a new life," said the Wanderer. "It is imperative that humankind does not lose an entire generation to drugs, prostitution, and other ills that plague Port Alexander."

The Wander-No-More House is a non-profit charitable foundation that will assist in drug rehabilitation, job training skills, and childcare assistance for women who need assistance. A board of Port Alexander community leaders will oversee the project and the Wanderer will remain in close contact with the implementation and day-to-day operation. "The time for wandering through life aimlessly is over, there is direction, there is opportunity, there is hope," said the founder.